Sunday, April 19, 2020

"Hoo Me?" Third Place winner in 2020 TRAA juried show, New Bern, NC

Hoo Me?
16 X 20 Framed Canvas 
Brush painted owl over acrylic pour

Poured and Painted

136.  Eggbert
12" round canvas with poured background and brush painted Egret  $150.

137. Nature's Palette  $145.
14 X 14 acrylic on canvas

138.  Tail Feathers $145.
14 X 14 acrylic on canvas

Yin Yangs of Sorts

Fire and Water
12 X 12 Acrylic Pour on Canvas  $75.

Red River Divide
12 X 12 Acrylic Pour on Canvas  $75.

Tumbler and Run Off

Poured Acrylic on Metal Tumbler

Fairy Magic
8 X 10 Poured off Tumbler onto Canvas $50.

Nebula Series

Eye of March Nebula
16 X 20 Acrylic Pour on canvas  $95.

Purple Nebula 
16 X 20 Acrylic Pour on Canvas  $95.

A Few Fun Pours

Arctic Flow
12 X 12 Acrylic Pour on Canvas  $75.

Ring, Wreck, Rolls
10 X 10 Acrylic Pour on Canvas $65.
Three Lakes
10 X 10 Acrylic Pour on Canvas  $65.